Next Generation Leadership

People-Oriented Company Culture

Especially white-collar workers are now reconsidering what matters most to them in a post pandemic world, requesting their employers to focus on the well-being and personal satisfaction of their employees. Companies are adjusting their policies to ensure that employees feel cared about as human beings, not just as workers, making flexible work arrangements permanent, investing in wellness programs, and boosting their diversity and inclusion efforts.

Employers and employees are building a new, more dynamic relationship based on trust and empathy. The first steps of the establishment of a new business order with people at the center are thus taken.

In a few different research conducted in recent years, the most prioritized by the employees are;

  • Work-Life Balance
  • Benefits and Rights
  • Company Culture

And again, we understand from the answers given by the employees that the most important way to create a company culture is through professional trainings and healthy living programs. An employee who realizes that he is really cared for at work is much happier than others. Those who want to invest more in wellness programs are increasing, especially in Generation Z, which actually sheds a good light on how we can increase the engagement of the next generation of employees to our companies. In addition, there is an important demand from companies, especially from Generation Z; training managers to be empathetic leaders!

As Alignment Key, we have prepared an advancement program under the name of Next Generation Leadership to create a human-oriented company culture in the light of all these data and to help employees establish work-life balance.

We now expect our managers to know and manage their own emotions very well, to understand the emotional ups and downs of their employees, and to approach them with the right behaviors during these periods. We want them to be self-aware, self-controlled, and personally motivated. But the most important thing of all is that they should be individuals with high empathy and strong social relations. We examine all of this both conceptually and practically in the Emotional Intelligence in Leadership section, which is the first module of our advancement program.

The name of our module on which we will work on Coach Leader, which is one of the 6 emotional leadership types in our training, is Coaching in Leadership. Coach leaders connect their employees' personal goals with their company's goals very well. This type of leader is very well empathetic, encouraging, and focused on the development of others. Leaders who use coaching well are known for asking very pertinent and accurate questions, and they are very good listeners. They boldly share feedback with you that you can't get from anyone, they're consistent, and each one is an incredible storyteller. The majority of our work in this section will be practical rather than conceptual, and we aim for our managers to learn by experiencing

We may not be able to take our employees, who are the basis of the People-Centered Company Culture, out of today's intense stress, hustle and bustle, and the difficult effects of trying to keep up with multiple things at once, but we can teach them how to deal with them first and then teach them how to reduce them in their lives. The way to do this is in what we call Awareness, which we call the Body-Mind-Heart harmony in a slightly broader sense. Here, we work to ensure that our managers are aware of their bodies, feelings and thoughts. Meditation and Yoga come to the fore here as teachings, and we can shape the training program together and give them practical place.

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Auto Control
Social Skills

Coaching in Leadership

Asking the Right Question
Listening Correctly




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