The pandemic has changed employees to prioritize their well-being and reconsider where and why to work. That’s why they are changing jobs, hoping for something more, more flexibility, more empathy, more purpose.

There's no easy solution for companies to retain their best talents, but we can create a much better people-oriented company culture for managing Life-Work Balance and reduce burnout rates.

First, companies and leaders must adopt wellness and smart skills programs. This becomes a must program for companies rather than nice to have as it was. Emotional Intelligence is the most important and the base skill set for solid success in long term. Employees should learn related tools and get coaching to understand and manage their emotions, increase their self-awareness, use empathy. When it comes to managers, emotional intelligence training becomes more important as also mentioned in the graph.

Another important tool to create more people-oriented company culture is coaching. Coach leaders connect their employees' personal goals with their company's goals very well. This type of leader is very well empathetic, encouraging, and focused on the development of others. Leaders who use coaching well are known for asking very pertinent and accurate questions, and they are very good listeners. They also believe in power of feedback which increases the quality of internal communication.

To create Life-Work Balance and reduce burnout at work, companies should change their culture to people-orientation. They should immediately adopt new programs to enhance emotional intelligence and let their manager utilize coaching more in their environments.

Thanks to: The University of Texas at Austin Learning & Development
LinkedIn Global Talent Trends 2022

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