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Value Oriented Living

"The things we live for" are our Dostoevsky values, the basic principles that guide how we want to live our lives. In fact, these are the people we want to be on the one hand...

What Is Not Yoga

For some reason, in our country, yoga is always referred to as an activity done by women. Maybe even though I've been playing sports for many years, I'm too...

Investigating Your Own Reality Is Wise

Plato said centuries ago, "Know thyself," another thinker, Confucius, "If You Want to Manage Others, Manage Yourself First," while the famous psychologist Jung said, "Outsider...

Work-Life Balance

The pandemic has shifted employees to prioritize their well-being and rethink where and why they work. That's why employees change jobs ...

What Is Not Coaching

The easiest way to define coaching is to understand what it is not...

Digital Coaching Processes

Coaching is a mutually active process based on cooperation between the coach and the client...

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